Application Configuration Settings

One of the most common ways to store application setting is in the config file.  Below I will show examples of how to store configurations and their retrieval. AppSettings and ConnectionString Sections Include the appSettings and/or connectionStrings sections in  .config file for retrieval from your application. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key=”MySampleKey” value=”Sample value” /> […]

Global Data

Global data is accessible anywhere in a program.   Using global data is riskier than using local data. Here are some common problems with using Global Data: Problems with Global Data Unexpected changes to global data.  Since global data can be accessed anywhere, it can also be changed anywhere without the intent of doing so. Cannot concentrate on […]

How to reduce your Comcast bill

Being in the technology field, I tend to want to have the latest and greatest of what’s available.  For example, I have to have a high speed internet connection, latest cell phone with unlimited data plan, satellite TV with a great picture and lots of channels, etc.  All these bills add up and I knew I […]